Category: Nutrition/Diets

Blogs about nutrition advice and specific diets (such as ketogenic, Atkins, etc.)

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Please see my disclaimer page for more information. This post will be dedicated to a few ways that I have personally found to help me out during my cut (fat loss) phase. Most of these things require very little prep (if […]

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This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Please see my disclaimer page for more information. The following is a list and description of the supplements I currently take, or recommend, and why. Keep in mind these are SUPPLEMENTS. These things alone will not make you skinny, ripped or […]

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I get a lot of questions about artificial sweeteners from both a medical perspective and also from a fitness and nutrition perspective. Thankfully the information is the same regarding both perspectives. If you are one of those people that is just simply scared of artificial sweeteners then you should read this post in its entirety […]

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Photo by Isabella Mendes from Pexels I have heard countless times when talking about fitness and nutrition with friends, family and acquaintances that “I need to stop drinking for this diet”. This post is to address the impacts of alcohol on your fitness goals. Small spoiler alert…it may not be as bad as you think […]

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This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Please see my disclaimer page for more information. By popular demand I will share exactly what I eat each day on my cutting (losing fat) meal plan. I am in NO WAY saying that if you follow this plan you will […]

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This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Please see my disclaimer page for more information. Yes…there is a difference. If you’ve read my post on The Basics of Nutrition then you should have a good base understanding of how this is going to work, but I’m going to […]

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