Hello folks, I know it’s been awhile (…again) since you’ve heard from me. I have posted some at home workout ideas that you can build from and I have been updating my affiliate links so that you can get your deals on supplements and workout equipment still, but I don’t want people to feel like I am “profiting” off this pandemic. For the record I spend hundreds maintaining this website and I think I have made only $2 since I have started haha (for hundreds of net loss) – I don’t do this for the money, I do it because it is my passion and I genuinely like helping people with their fitness goals. With so many people out of work I didn’t want to flood my readers with information that was likely not useful at this time since gyms are closed, money is tight (to buy supplements or equipment) and people’s workouts and goals are likely on a holding pattern. If you are anything like me, your “at home workouts” are definitely not up to par (when you do them) and you are ready to get back to the gym. I promise I am still here for you to answer any questions or even help design at home workouts that work with your budget, current equipment and likes/dislikes (I have helped a few people with this already). Once gyms open back up and thinks are a little more “normal” I think I will feel better about putting out content. The good (and bad) news is that I will not be in the best shape coming out of this so I will be able to be in the muck with all those readers who are trying to do the same! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me for advice or help in the meantime! Stay safe!

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels