Month: June 2019

Photo by Victor Freitas from Pexels Gym etiquette is something most people tend to pick up over spending a lot of time there. However, even seasoned gym rats have poor gym etiquette sometimes. The following paragraphs will be on proper gym etiquette (from both points of view) for those using resistance exercise equipment or spaces. I’m sure much […]

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The short answer is “not really”. There is not a strong correlation between your height and your hormone levels as adults. In fact, exogenous testosterone is used in very tall boys to stunt their growth by sending them THROUGH puberty and into adulthood earlier, thus limiting their growth. Estrogen is used in the same way […]

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Photo by Alex Kremer from Pexels Many will be surprised how many people are using “enhancing” substances in the fitness industry, some will not. I’m not just talking about steroids anymore, there are many “tricks” people are using to try and enhance the fitness process. Some are doing it to cheat the system and some are doing it […]

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Photo by Pixabay from Pexels A popular and somewhat controversial topic among fitness experts and scientists alike. Before we delve too deep, a “split” is just the sequence or day of the week you perform you exercises in. There is the classic “bro split” which usually details a single body part per day. The upper/lower split in which […]

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